Introduction to Kirby CMS

Sitepoint, April 2014

Kirby is a CMS written in PHP which stores everything in static files, with no need for a database. In this article I take a look at it.

Using JSON Web Tokens with node.js

Sitepoint, April 2014

In this article I look at JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and how they can be used to handle authentication in your APIs, or for rich web applications using technologies such as Backbone. On the server-side I'm using Node.js, although the principle could be applied to any language.

Database Versioning with Ladder Migrations

Sitepoint, April 2014

Ladder enables developers to create and modify database tables using code, enabling you to add it to version control and track changes as you would your application code. In this article, I take a look at how to use it.

A Review of the Brackets Editor

Sitepoint, April 2014

In this article I take Brackets for a test-drive. Brackets is an open-sourced editor written using web technologies such as Javascript, HTML and CSS.

Getting Started with PHP Underscore

Sitepoint, April 2014

Underscore, the popular utility library for Javascript, has been ported to PHP. In this article I take a look at it, what it does and some ways in which you might use it.

Getting Started with Assetic

Sitepoint, April 2014

Assetic is an asset management package for PHP. It helps organise static assets - such as stylesheets, javascript and images - and perform actions on them such as compilation, compression and concatenation. In this article, I give a rundown of how to use it.